Admiral Annabelle plays Battlesplats, which is a bit like Battleships only messier! There is a grid of 12 squares and seven of them contain splats. If she calls out a square with a splat then Sergeant Messy Jessie is primed and ready to upend a bucket of gunk over her head. Can she find the five clean squares first or will she get well untruly "Battlesplatted"? No nudity in this one as Annabelle keeps her black bikini on throughout but plenty of gunge and it's pretty funny too!
File count: | 1 |
Total size: | 126.9MB |
Runtime: | 8 mins, 17 secs |
Released: | 5/03/11 |
Produced: | 2010 |
Views: | 6282 |
Scene ID: | 2348 |
Tagged: | Female |
Issues? | Report |