Basically as a bit of fun I posted on a modelling website a casting saying, "Have you always wanted to be gunged?" and asked for reasons why I said that girl who gave me the best response would get her dream come true. I had a lot of responses most of them lack lustre but this one kinda stood out:
"Well to put it bluntly this has to be one of the best castings I've seen in a while! I'm getting pretty damn bored of every guy with a camera offering time for peanuts just to see a girls boobs! Now getting paid to get messy is much more my idea of fun! Personally sploshing is something I love the idea o. though never really had the chance to practice... either my parents or his coming home to a paddling pool full of custard and a bath full of now cold baked-beans could prove pretty hard to explain

plus I then have the added trouble of actually getting my partner to participate! *sigh* it's such a hard life

Haha, to be honest I've looked at the website and it looks like a whole load of fun! I have also worked with another model recently and I'm sure after a bit of persuading I could get her in on the act to. though don't hold me too it--I may just scare her off Have a look at my portfolio if you like though can't promise there will be any pictures of me with a pie to the face or covered in gunge but it's up to you to decide if I'd fit the bill Would be great to hear from you oh and I do travel (drive) I don't expect you to send me your chauffeur this time. Maybe next time though.
Take care
Rose x"
As you can appreciate we had to get her in so following on from this rather good application we set up a job interview and some tests for Rose. As you would expect with messymayhem, the interview isn't exactly conventional. I won't give too much away but I will say that we have never seen a reaction to the gunge quite like this, it needs to be seen to be believed I think! By the end we have one rather slimey, sexy and very happy employee. There are also some out takes at the end where Rose entertained when I had a problem with my camera. In this video I believe a WAM star could have been born!